Friday, December 12, 2014

Why Scott Stapp's situation needs to be taken seriously.

photo credit: gossip cop

As some of you know, Creed frontman Scott Stapp is broke and living in a Holiday Inn (according to a video he uploaded to Facebook last month).
In the video, he stated that people were stealing his money, he is flat broke, and he is living in a hotel. He also stated that he was relying on God until justice is served. He claims that the CIA froze all of his accounts.

Here are the videos that he has put out:

He talks a lot about God, and also makes some unsettling threats against his wife and children. He was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold. 

Now, he is back in the news because he threatened to assassinate President Barack Obama. He said that he was ordered to by the CIA (he claimed to be a part of the CIA). His estranged wife tried to have him put on psychiatric hold for that, but it did not happen.

Many people have taken to social media to express their opinion about Stapp's mental state. Many people are making jokes about it. While these videos are a bit 'left of center,' there is a cause for concern for Stapp's mental health.

One thing that I want to reiterate to you all is that mental illness is not a joke. Mental illness should not be mocked or laughed at. It is blatantly obvious that he is troubled. Whether he has a substance abuse problem or not (people have commented that he is probably on drugs), he needs to get some sort of help. 

I'm not a fan of Creed, but when I see someone who is obviously troubled and being mocked, I have this urge to say something, since I have mental illness. Most of you know about my struggles with Bipolar, depression, and panic disorder. The thing that makes me different from Scott Stapp is that I'm medicated, and can recognize when I am spiraling out of control. I can redirect myself to write, paint, listen to music, or clean the house. Keeping myself busy can help me focus on something else, and work through my emotions.
Mr. Stapp needs to admit that he is troubled before going into treatment. In order for treatment to work, you have to be open to receiving help. If you're not open to treatment, you will not get better.

I sincerely hope that he becomes receptive to help. I know things stink for him right now, but it does not last. Things can get better.

Everyone who is mocking him and talking negatively about him, you are not helping the situation. He needs help, not your ignorance. People have been known to take their own lives because of incessant bullying, including cyber-bullying. Please think before you speak.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Can Fish Oil increase brain function in those with Dementia?

photo credit: lostfit

Well, according to a new study published in a journal called Alzheimer's and Dementia, it might!
The study, which took place in Rhode Island, tested 819 people who had MRIs and psychological tests done every six months. Out of the 819 participants, 229 had no cognitive impairment, 397 participants had some cognitive impairment, and 193 participants where diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.

After participants were given the Fish Oil and studied for some time, researchers found that the 229 participants that had no cognitive impairment had "increased brain preservation." The participants with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease showed some reduced brain atrophy. The Fish Oil also showed to maintain brain activity in individuals with cognitive impairment.

So, is it worth adding Fish Oil supplements to our dementia loved one's vitamin and medication pill boxes? It wouldn't hurt! Of course, clear it with their doctor first.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why you should never "feed the trolls."

 photo credit: smosh

Trolling: a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. --- Via Wikipedia

Most of us have probably encountered a "troll" at least once in our lives. I've encountered many.
Now, I'm not talking about the furry little toy trolls that were popular in the 1990s. I'm talking about human shaped "trolls." Ones who have nothing better to do than to troll someone's social media account(s) and leave scathing remarks for your friends, work colleagues, and family to see.
When you fuel the "troll's fire," they increase their smear campaign against you by commenting on everything you send out. That is the normal "troll" way.
Super-trolls are the ones you need to look out for. These are individuals who message you incessantly, run a smear campaign on your professional social media accounts, and even talk about you on their private accounts. These are folks who do not know you, nor care about your story. If you are acquainted with someone they do not care much for, you are public enemy number one. They devote their time to "trolling" your social media pages. While the initial comments are relatively entertaining, they can get old real fast.

So, how does one rid themselves of "trolls?"

1. Do not engage in a smear campaign against them. Remember that saying, "two wrongs don't make a right?" Be the bigger person and do not engage with the "troll."

2. Block the person. If the troll uses a second account in order to cyber-bully you, report both accounts to the web master.

3. If the cyber-bullying becomes severe, report the account(s) of the "troll," print out their correspondence with you, and contact the authorities. Cyber-bullying is a major issue now, and the authorities do take cyber-bullying very seriously.

Most of the time, "trolling" is easy to combat. It can be as simple as deleting the comment. However, there are those who are relentless. They will not rest until they break you. Remember folks, "trolling" IS a form of cyber-bullying, which is AGAINST THE LAW. Be the bigger person. Remember your rights. Do not give your cyber-bullies power over you.

Now, the reason why I wrote this is because I have a history of dealing with cyber-bullies. If I encounter a "troll" who takes their bullying to a new level, I will not hesitate to contact the authorities.