Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Friends in need

photo credit: theblaze

 Being a web writer has some great perks: You can work from home, wear PJs, listen to your favorite music instead of boring music that is played in an office, and much more.

But, there are also some downfalls to being a web writer. While the money can be great, it can also be unpredictable. You may have a fantastic month or week, and then have nothing come in the next month. Also, if you're a web writer, you have to worry about the sites you contribute to shutting down.
When income suddenly stops coming in, you are left in an extremely tight spot. You struggle to pay your bills, you struggle to buy food, and you struggle to keep a roof over your head.

Two of my writer friends are in a serious bind: my friends Lyn and Briana.

Lyn is my web writer mentor and she is a great friend. Last month, she lost her job at Yahoo Contributor when the site decided to close down. Now that her money-making job is gone, she is struggling financially. In fact, the problem is so severe that she is losing her home in less than 3 weeks. She has four kids and two dogs. It breaks my heart to know that someone so amazing and talented is going to be on the streets, unless something miraculous happens. Lyn has set up a GoFundMe account and is trying to raise money to help her family move into a new home.
She is grateful for anything that people can contribute. You can read more about her story and donate here: http://www.gofundme.com/helplynmove. To read her work, visit: http://www.writewavemedia.com/

My friend Briana is also in a bind. Briana is an incredible writer and an amazing artist. Her roommate just moved out and Briana and her husband cannot afford a place of their own. They are extremely hard-working people, but they too will be homeless unless they raise the money they need to get their own place. Briana and Eric are grateful to anyone who can donate. No amount is too small since every little bit helps. To read more about Briana and Eric's situation and to donate, visit: http://www.gofundme.com/dhleos. To see Briana and Eric's amazing work, visit: http://bluedragoncreations.com/wordpress/

Please, please help these two families out! They are good people who just need a chance.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing news, Briana! I'm so glad that you both have a place!
    I want to do what ever I can to help you out, and also help Lyn out. I look up to you both and it breaks my heart to see two amazing people in such a terrible situation.
