Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quote of the day for 9/23/2014

photo credit: jayadevmwordpress

“You always pass failure on the way to success.”
-Mickey Rooney

We all want to be successful, but when it comes to the "road to success," not all of us reach the end. Whenever one reaches a 'bump in the road,' doubt tends to take over and you question whether or not you should finish the journey. We complain that it's too hard. We wonder if it is even worth it to continue on the road to success.

Let me tell you something: enduring failure and hardships is a part of the journey. It's the 'bump in the road' that builds the character needed in order to be ready for success. If we aren't ready to experience a little failure along the way, then we aren't ready for the end result. Nothing in life is ever easy. I know that better than anyone. I've been fighting and and surviving one thing or another since the day I was born. It's all I know. I haven't reached success yet. I'm still on my journey.
Success to me means finding inner peace and happiness. It is being truly content with who you are and never doubting that you are loved. It is putting others' first and taking care of yourself so you CAN take care of your loved ones when they need you.
People tell me that I'm a success. I disagree with them. I'm becoming a success. I'm not there yet. I still have to work through life's failures in order to reach my destination. The one thing that keeps me going is the faith that I will make it there someday.

Failure and success go hand-in-hand. While they are polar opposites, failure is what builds character and strength in order to achieve and appreciate success. Keep that in mind when you see yourself at a little 'bump in the road.'

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