Sunday, August 10, 2014

Newest distraction while driving: "Selfie while driving."

photo credit: ktsm

I'm sure most of you have heard of "selfies." It's when you take a picture of yourself. "Selfies" have become the newest distraction while driving. The Huffington Post came out with some startling statistics.

On Instagram, there are 3 million pictures that are hash tagged with "driving". There are 55,000 pictures that are hash tagged with "driving home." Nine thousand pictures are hash tagged with "driving to work," and another 3,500 photos hash tagged with "driving selfie."


I thought the "selfie" fad was a little ridiculous. Being in my 30s, I just don't see the point in taking hundreds of "selfies" per day. When I read about young people taking "selfies" while driving, I get a little angry. Actually, I get very angry. I am a huge supporter of the "It Can Wait" campaign. It's a campaign that talks about the dangers of distracted driving. I am against all forms of distracted driving. I keep my phone off and in my pocket(or purse) while I am driving. No call, email, text, etc is worth my life, or someone else's life.

It is not "cute" to take a "selfie" while you're driving. All you are doing is becoming a nuisance and a danger to society. People who are on their cell phones, as they drive, should have their license suspended for the rest of their lives. I have a big hatred for distracted drivers. I've actually conducted mental studies while being a passenger in a car. I would look at drivers on the road. More than half of them are on their phones. If a call is really THAT important, pull over.

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