Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why I will be deleting my Bubblews posts and moving them here

For a year and a half, I had been a loyal member of social networking site Bubblews. It is a site where you can write about anything you want and "earn money" for it. I earned quite a bit of money from it for the first year and 2 months.

The last few months have been terrible. With the increase of spammers, technical glitches, and staff not communicating with their members when they inquire about their payments, I've felt less comfortable on the site. I wrote nearly 1,100 pieces for Bubblews, and generated a TON of traffic for the site. I also referred members to that site (most of which have left because of the above problems).
Actually, the main reason most of my referrals have left is because they haven't been paid.

Now, it looks like I may be leaving too. The site has become overrun by spam bots and they are just too distracting. Not to mention, I haven't received payment for my posts for the past couple of months. Bubblews owes me well over $100. I have emailed them over a handful of times without any reply. If a site says that they will compensate users for their posts, I expect compensation. Otherwise, I'm going to go elsewhere. Also, I don't like being distracted by spam bots. When I write posts, I don't want to see spam bots in my comments section. I enjoy interacting with readers. I don't like to feel as if I'm talking to a wall when I'm writing. I also don't like the fact that when I delete the comments on Bubblews, I lose money.

These are reasons why I'm leaving Bubblews by August 15. I'm giving Bubblews staff by this date to reply back to my emails. If they don't respond, I'm taking down my posts, moving them here, and requesting for my profile to be taken down.

I will be slowly moving things here in the coming day, so keep an eye out. I will be doing a lot of work on the actual appearance of this blog as well.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

[photo credit:]

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