Friday, August 1, 2014

The amazing health benefits of apples
"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!" The age old saying has been told from generation to generation. Thirty six states in America grow apples to sell nationwide, four states have apple as their state fruit.

There are many health benefits to eating apples:

Apples are a rich source of flavonoids.
Flavonoids aid in preventing heart disease and stroke. The skin of an apple contains a flavonoid called querectin, which helps boost your memory. Apples also contain a flavonoid called phlorizm, which aids in preventing bone loss during menopause.

Apples contain high levels of pectin.
Apples provide an excellent source of fiber, which aids in keeping the colon healthy. One apple contains 20% of your daily recommended fiber needs. Apples can also provide you relief from constipation and indigestion.

Apples are a good source of potassium.
Potassium aids in water balance and muscle function.

Apples are a good source of vitamins.
If you eat 100 grams of apple a day, you get 1,500mg of anti-oxidants a day, which will keep you healthy and free from illness.

Adding this super food sweet treat to your daily diet will not only curb your sweet tooth, it will also help you maintain good health!

One way to incorporate apples into your system is with some apple tea. Hot or cold, this tea is simply amazing. To order some apple tea, click on the above photo.

(previously published by Shauna Silva on Yahoo Contributor Network)

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